Browse Collections (82 total)

Harvard University, Harvard Map Collection, G5692_B5_1720_S4_COPYA

Harvard University, Harvard Map Collection, G5692_B5_1789_B7

Black Sea Gallery


Gallery of images supporting student research in Gov 1127 (Harvard University, Spring 2023). Click here to navigate the gallery by object type.

Atlas of Forestry Statistics of European Russia


A new genre of statistical publication emerged in the 1870s: authoritative reports intended for public, and often external, consumption. One of earliest on the scene was a report on the forested spaces of the empire:Notice sur les forêts et leurs produits en rapport avec la superficie totale du territoire et avec la population. Russia: Ministère…

Finding Ukraine

Harvard University, Harvard Map Collection, G7100_1917_M3


These are the crucial connections between river-based and overland transport. Sites for the loading and unloading of goods - of sweating and swearing and haggling. Sites of expertise and ambition. The wharves and piers in these 15 towns witnessed the shipment of enormous quantities of timber and iron, butter and hemp, grain and tea. Think of them…


The town plans offer us 12 glimpses of canals (across 9 towns). Some are part of grandiose public works projects meant to reconfigure river-based trade across the entire empire; others have distinctly local meaning. Either way, the canals are some of the most fascinating features in the entire collection. Start Exploring What happens if I click…


Start Exploring What happens if I click on an entry?You will open a page showing an image of the place on the plan that depicts the feature, along with an interactive image showing where the feature is located in the space of the town. What if I want to learn more about the town?Click the link to the town plan that serves as the "canvas" for the…


Lakes appear on 13% of all plans. If that does not sound terribly impressive, think of it this way: they are as common (as far as this data is concerned) as police stations and prisons. But while most police stations and prisons are planned features, the amoeba-like shapes captured here represent water features that existed on the ground. What…