
Lakes appear on 13% of all plans. If that does not sound terribly impressive, think of it this way: they are as common (as far as this data is concerned) as police stations and prisons. But while most police stations and prisons are planned features, the amoeba-like shapes captured here represent water features that existed on the ground.

What should you look for as you make your way through this collection?
Think about whether the lake you are studying belong to the locale or to a broader geograpy. What is its size, relative to the town? Is it fed by rivers (that flow from elsewhere)? Does the lake function as a connective feature or an obstacle to moving through the landscape? Is it isolated or surrounded by other features?

*Note: We logged only features labeled as lakes in the graphic space of the plans. (The same holds for ponds - we did not want to do any assuming.) The Russian word for lake is озеро (OH-zeh-rah) and it is often abbreviated Оз. From time to time we provide translations of the more interesting or amusing placenames.

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What happens if I click on an entry?
You will open a page showing an image of the place on the plan that depicts the feature, along with an interactive image showing where the feature is located in the space of the town.

What if I want to learn more about the town?
Click the link to the town plan that serves as the "canvas" for the annotation.
*Note: Opening the "canvas" - in other words, the town plan's main page - is the only way to see all of the annotated sites. 

What if I want to move to the next/previous item in the collection?

Use the "Next Page" and "Previous Page" buttons at the bottom.

"Lake Gnilopiat"

This is a curious placename: it translates, more or less, to "Lake [of the] Putrid Five."

"Lake Barantsovo" (Nizhnii Novgorod)

This lake does not appear on the 1st edition of the Nizhnii town plan.

"Lake Meshcherskoe" (Nizhnii Novgorod)

This lake does not appear on the 1st edition of the Nizhnii town plan.

"Lake Sviatoe" (Makar'evo)

The name means "Holy" Lake.

"Belo Ozero" (Belozersk)

"Belo Ozero" means "White Lake." In a gesture of generosity, the lake lent its name to the town that grew up on its northern shores.

Lake Karas'e (Kungur)

There are another 13 lakes marked on the Kungur plan - be sure to look at the full canvas.

"Krivoe Lake" (Izium)

Crooked Lake was true to its name.

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IIIF Manifest

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